


Google's AI chief has spoken out about what he feels are misconceptions and overstated dangers surrounding intelligent machines.谷歌的AI主任就围绕智能机器人所产生的误解和夸大的风险表达了自己的看法。John Giannandrea took particular aim at 'unreasonable concerns' over the arrival of general artificial intelligence or robots that can think like humans.John Giannandrea直指因为一般人工智能或机器人可以像人类一样思考而引发的“不合理担忧”。Although he failed to name tech entrepreneur Elon Musk who has been particular vocal over his fears about the technology many have inferred this connection.虽然他没有指名道姓,但是很多人都认为他说的就是对人工智能技术甚是担忧的马斯克。John Giannandrea先生出身于苏格兰。1990年代期间,他就职于手指设备的先驱企业General Magic。Mr Giannandrea even worked on an early personal assistant similar to today's Siri.他之前甚至研发过早期个人助理设备,类似于今天的siri。2005年,他创造了对词汇与对象之间的链接进行分类的Metaweb 软件,2010年被谷歌收购。”机器学习以及人工智能极其重要并将会引起我们的工业上的变革“Despite his apparent lack of concern and using only the euphemistic 'some people' Mr Giannandrea's comments are likely to go down badly wi